Magical Unicorns!
Join us for a magical morning of creating with glittery ribbons, silky yarn, sparkly glass beads, paint, dried flowers and more. Our goal: a stunning unicorn horn for your child to wear! After creating, we will head to the Belle Vie forest for an enchanting search for unicorn treasure. Children will gather their unicorn gifts in special take-home bags. The morning will end with story time and unicorn tea. October 8 or 22 from 9am-11:30am. Choose your date when you register. $50/child. Ages 4-7. Teacher: Shelley Welch

Magic Wands!
Join us for an enchanting morning creating magical wands using sticks gathered from Belle Vie forests, dyed wool roving, colorful feathers, glass and metal charms, glass beads and more! After designing and constructing their wands, children will head to the Belle Vie forest to use their magic wands to search for hidden treasures. We will wrap up the morning with story time and warm apple cider!
October 15 or November 5 from 9am-11:30am. Choose your date when you register. $50/child. Ages 4-7.
Teacher: Shelley Welch